After an amazing three months working alongside Anton and Harriot it is time for us to say goodbye. We have had some amazing experiences and crossed some big hurdles along the way. We have managed to achieve so much with getting the big aviary built which now stands there proud on the Conservancy, it is a shame that we didn’t quite get to see it used but we are sure that Kludd and Igor our Spotted Eagle Owls will be using it soon. It has been wonderful to take part in the releases of some of South Africa’s beautiful wildlife and to see them all thrive in the wild.  As well as to care for the animals that are in the process of being rewilded it has been a great joy to see our long term resident Shishi the Thick Tailed Bush baby finally released and doing well all be it still finding comfort in his log that he has called home for so long.

While we are sad to be leaving it is time to pass the baton onto the next group of eager interns as they continue the work we have started and keep moving forward with the rewilding and release of the animals as well as continuing to work hard at conserving the wilderness already out there.

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