January 29, 2019
Harriot Brill

Ever since I can remember my family and I have taken in, rescued and given a second chance to a variety of animals. We always did have a soft spot for animals of all kind, so over the years we had a lot of animal antics and stories. I was never the brightest and was

January 14, 2019
Harriot Brill

Not all animals are active during the day, there are some that prefer to come out at night and I don’t blame them. Whilst I was with the Wild Volunteers I got to be involved with going on some of the scorpion walks at night with a few of the guests that were staying at

January 7, 2019
Harriot Brill

So today is Bradleys 10th birthday, so we all want to give him an extra special day to show him what he means to all of us at Umkhumbi lodge and the Wild Volunteers! Bradley and his parent Bianca and Andries Pretorius have worked with us for over a year now. In this time, I

December 31, 2018
Harriot Brill

When you come to Africa you tend to only think about the big things like elephants, giraffe, lions, rhinos, hippo, wildebeest, buffalo etc, but the little animals matter just as much. There are so many small and wonderful things in this world that we don’t really know much about from inverts and amphibians to reptile

December 25, 2018
Harriot Brill

Christmas in the bush for me is not your traditional set up with big fir trees and sitting round the dinner table with my family. Christmas is not even a big event for me but living on a bush lodge everyone pulls together to make it extra special for the guests on the day. Even

December 17, 2017
Harriot Brill

By Hayley Davis Me, Harriot and Logan started the day off at 5:15am getting in the truck and heading off to where the buffalos were. We thought that we were only going to dart and relocate two buffalos but it ended up being nine. Once we arrived we got out of our truck and into